Portugal Bioarchaeology/Necropolis
Overview Archaeological excavation within historic cities often produce deep stratigraphy dating back to the original foundation of the city and telling the story of [...]
Overview Archaeological excavation within historic cities often produce deep stratigraphy dating back to the original foundation of the city and telling the story of [...]
All IFR field school applicants should familiarize themselves with IFR COVID-19 Practices before beginning the enrollment process. Program logistics are subject to change as [...]
All IFR field school applicants should familiarize themselves with IFR COVID-19 Practices before beginning the enrollment process. Program logistics are subject to change as [...]
All IFR field school applicants should familiarize themselves with IFR COVID-19 Practices before beginning the enrollment process. Program logistics are subject to change as [...]
Overview Currently eighty-eight percent of large scale screens of human genetic variation and ninety-five percent of clinical trials exclusively feature individuals of European ancestry. [...]
Overview From the 8th to the 6th century BC, migrants from the Aegean settled across the Mediterranean from the Black Sea to Spain. Known [...]
Overview Field Methods in Indigenous Archaeology is a community-based field school in tribal historic preservation and archaeological field methods on the Grand Ronde reservation [...]
All IFR field school applicants should familiarize themselves with IFR COVID-19 Practices before beginning the enrollment process. Program logistics are subject to change as [...]
Overview During A.D. 700-1400, the Greater American Southwest was an explosive laboratory where changing social, cultural, and political ideals were maintained, invented, thrown-out, reused, [...]
Overview The Curating Archaeological Collections field school offers intensive hands-on training working with pre-Columbian artifacts at the Center for Archaeological Investigations’ 9000 ft2 curation center. [...]